Saturday, May 23, 2020

Word Pronunciation Hard and Soft C and G Sounds

In English, there are two different sounds for the consonants  c and g. A hard g sounds almost like a k, as in the words great, good, and pig. A soft g sounds more like a j,  as in the words  large, general, and giant. By contrast, a  hard c sounds like a k, as in the words cup, class, and fact. A soft c sounds like an s as in city, receive, and cell. Simple rules can help to determine whether the pronunciation of these consonants should be hard or soft. Hard and Soft Pronunciation The two consonant letters c and g can be pronounced with both hard and soft sounds. It can be helpful, before reviewing pronunciation rules, to look at exactly how these sounds are enunciated with cs and gs as well as with other consonants. In general, a hard sound is like a click. Its a single sound made with one breath, as in: Keep, day, play, garage A soft sound is a long sound made with a continuing breath, as in: Jeep, shine, check, zebra General Rules The pronunciation of c and g generally—but not always—depends upon the letter following these consonants, as per the following rules: If the following letter is e or y, the pronunciation is soft.If the following letter is anything else—including a space—the pronunciation is hard.A soft c is pronounced s as in cell, city, decision, receive, license, distance, recently, pronounce, juicy, and cylinder.A hard c is pronounced k’ as in call, correct, cup, cross, class, rescue, fact, public, panic, and ache.A soft g is pronounced j as in general, giant, gymnastic, large, energy, intelligible, and changing.A hard g is pronounced g as in golf, pig, running, great, gum, fragrant, grasp, glut, and progress. Words Including Both Hard and Soft Sounds Complicating matters, there are a few words that include both hard and soft sounds. Some examples include: Success, circulate, clearanceBicycle, vacancy, garageGauge, geography, gigantic, gorgeous In the first example, each word contains both a hard c and a soft c. In the second example, the first word, bicycle, first uses a soft c and then a hard c, but the second word, vacancy, first uses a hard c and then a soft c. The third example uses a hard and soft c, respectively, in gauge and gorgeous, while the second and third words—geography and gigantic—use a soft g followed by a hard g. When a hard pronunciation is needed, but the letter following the c  or g would make it soft, add h after c (as in architect) or u after g (as in guest). Alternatively, the following letter is doubled to achieve a hard pronunciation, as in outrigger. When an e follows g at the end of a word, a hard g becomes a soft one, as in: Sag sageRag rage Exceptions Nothing is easy when it comes to the hard and soft g and c, and, of course,  there are some exceptions to the previously discussed rules. These mostly involve giving hard pronunciation to words where the rule indicates a soft sound would normally be used. These exceptions include: Gear, get, gelding, give, girl, gift, tiger, celt Additionally,  present participles of some verbs that end with g, such as banging and ringing, use hard gs where the rules would normally indicate a soft g. Other exceptions are foreign words that have been adopted into the English language, such as gestalt and geisha.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Nutrition Requirements - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1443 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Nutrition Essay Did you like this example? Jasmine is a new graduate with her Masters degree in Healthcare Administration and has decided to open up her own assisted living facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. As she has started her research in what it takes to open up an LTC, she realized that she had overlooked the dietary services aspect of running an assisted living facility. When initially planning to open her facility and considering the dietary services, Jasmine realizes that she has no idea the nutritional needs of older adults. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Nutrition Requirements" essay for you Create order What are the caloric needs of the older population? What important nutrients should be considered when planning the meals for older residents? Jasmine decides to contact her friend, Carolyn, who is currently employed as a nutritionist to help her. INTRODUCTION We, the authors of The Nutrition Services, wrote this to be an instructional guide for assisted living facilities to be able to provide better food and dietary services to residents. Yet, as we wrote Chapter 1: Nutritional Requirements of the Elderly, we quickly realized that this would also be a good source of information for adults over the age of 65, families with elderly relatives, and caretakers of older individuals. In this chapter, we talk about the approximated daily calorie needs for older adults and nutrients that are important to the diets of the older population. We hope that this chapter will be useful for directors and managers of LTCs, families, and other caretakers. CALORIC NEEDS In general, it is common knowledge that older adults are much less active than younger adults. This could be due to a number of reasons: choric diseases that cause pain, aching joints that make it difficult to exercise, or limited access to outdoor parks or gyms. For adults of all ages, when we are less active, our metabolism is much slower than when we are physically active. When planning the meals of older adults, it is important to consider the calories they consume in a day. This also heavily depends on how active the resident is, his/her body composition, how old the resident is, and his/her gender. Residents who are older and less active need to consume a lower number of calories in a day than residents who may be a few years younger and more physically active, or they will be susceptible to weight gain. As you can see in the chart to the right (Figure 1-1) shows the daily suggested calorie consumption for older adults – the suggestions are based on a man who is 5â€℠¢10† and 154 lbs. and a woman who is 5’4† and weighs 126 lbs. The U.S. government suggests that the older male should consume up to 2,600 calories a day depending on his age and activity level (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2015, appendix 2). For the woman, the U.S. government recommends that she consume up to 2,000 calories per day depending on her activity level and age as well (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2015, appendix 2). It is important to remember that for everyone, calorie consumption is related to one’s goals. If an individual wants or needs to lose weight, they should consume a fewer calories per day. If a person wants or needs to gain weight, they need to consume a higher number of calories per day. SPECIAL NUTRITION NEEDS Due to changes in the body during the aging process, such as changes in the intestines, older adults need to consume more nutrients, either in their diets or through taking supplements. As the Institute of Medicine states, it is more difficult for older adults’ bodies to digest nutrients from foods (Pray et al, 2010, p 88). So, as an individual planning the meals for an older person, it is important to remember the importance of planning meals that are filled with many different nutrients to make up for how difficult it is for their bodies to absorb nutrients from foods. If an older adult does not consume daily recommended amounts of certain vitamins and minerals in their diet and their bodies have a hard time absorbing these nutrients, this may result in deficiencies. We will be looking at different micronutrients and macronutrients that are important to the diets of the older population and the foods that may contain these nutrients. VITAMIN B12 There are many reasons why older adults do not hit their daily Vitamin B12 goals and one of the major causes seems to be changes in stomach acidity which can cause changes in absorption (Pray et al., 2010, p. 94). But Vitamin B12 is very important in the body as some of its functions include synthesizing DNA and helping in the nervous system. It is essential that older adults consume enough Vitamin B12 as deficiencies can lead to memory and balance problems, increased bone weakening, and an increased risk for heart disease. Some foods that are high in Vitamin B12 include: tuna, chicken breast, yogurt, eggs, and fortified cereals. VITAMIN D Vitamin D is very important in the diet of older adults as it is essential to bone health. Yet due to changes in the kidneys and the skin as adults age, the absorption of Vitamin D is harder for the aging population. Vitamin D can help protect older individuals from osteoporosis, is important in cell function, and is important in the immune system. Foods that contain high amounts of this vitamin include: egg yolks, cheese, orange juice, and yogurt. It is also important to consider encouraging older adults to go outside as the UVB rays are converted to Vitamin D in the body. CALCIUM Healthy bones are essential to the health of older adults. This is why calcium is the next nutrient we will be discussing in this chapter. In addition to being extremely important to bone and tooth health, calcium is needed for the proper function of muscles and plays an essential role in the nervous and endocrine systems. If an older adult is deficient in calcium, this can put them at risk for osteoporosis and scientists have found that this risk is higher for women after menopause and men over 70. Some foods that are good sources of calcium are: dairy products, kale, spinach, and fortified juice and cereals. POTASSIUM Potassium is seen to be beneficial in reducing blood pressure, especially when a high potassium diet is partnered with a low sodium diet. In addition to this, potassium is also needed in the body for proper muscle and kidney function. There are many everyday foods that contain high amounts of potassium and these include: bananas, spinach, lentils, tuna, brown rice, turkey breast, yogurt, and nuts. FIBER Fiber is mostly known for its role in helping adults stay â€Å"regular† and preventing constipation, but this nutrient also plays other important roles in the body. For diabetics, fiber has been seen to control blood sugar spikes and fiber also plays a role in maintaining a healthy heart. Because older adults are more susceptible to diabetes and heart disease, fiber can be incredibly beneficial to their diets. Fiber can be found in many foods including: spinach, nuts, apples, Brussels sprouts, grapes, and kidney beans. MAGNESIUM Magnesium is important in the body for many of these reasons. Some of magnesium’s functions in this body are assisting the body in synthesizing DNA and RNA, aiding in proper muscle function, and like many other nutrients we have discussed in this chapter, supporting the nervous system. Because of changes within the body as we age, including changes within the intestines and the kidneys, older adults have trouble absorbing this nutrient. So when developing a menu plan, some key foods to consider include: kidney beans, oatmeal, chicken breast, and almonds. OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS Omega-3’s are the final essential nutrient for older adults. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential in the structures of cells and play important roles in multiple body systems including the cardiovascular and immune systems. Scientists have also discovered that fatty acids can protect older individuals from Alzheimer’s disease. Some foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids include: flaxseed oil, canola oil, salmon, eggs, yogurt, chicken, kidney beans, and walnuts. After her discussion with her friend, Carolyn, Jasmine has feels she has a solid foundation in her plans to open an assisted living facility and providing dietary services for older individuals. After her research and her discussion with a licensed nutritionist, Jasmine realized that it is incredibly important for older adults to eat well-balanced, nutrient-dense meals every single day. Because older adults need less calories per day, but require more nutrients per day, it is important to make sure all of their meals are carefully planned to ensure they do not overeat but also are not deficient in important nutrients.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Marketing Communications Plan For A Fictitious Company

The following plan is intended to provide a basic marketing communications plan for a fictitious company. The company in question operates in China and produces soft drinks, particularly adult soft drinks. The information in the plan has been sourced from various textbooks and online research including the National Bureau of Statistics China. It has been found that the company should target the market aged 18 to 44, married, living in urban China, and purchasing for personal use. In order to address and leverage the current internal and external situation, the recommended marketing communications objectives have been set as follows: 1. Increase awareness of the brand name to 50% of the target market 2. Increase awareness of the portability and attractive design of the product to 25% of the target segment Introduction The following plan has been compiled in order to provide the basis for a comprehensive marketing communications plan for a fictitious. The company produces and sells soft drinks. It specialises in adult soft drinks. The company and brand are new to the market. In order to provide a useful plan, the target segment has been identified and defined, a SWOT analysis has been carried out for the brand and organisation, and marketing communications objectives have been set. The plan identifies the target market through segmentation variables. Following this is an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that the company must eitherShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan Soft Drink Company 1st Half1495 Words   |  6 PagesExecutive Summary The following plan is intended to provide a basic marketing communications plan for a fictitious company. The company in question operates in China and produces soft drinks, particularly adult soft drinks. The information in the plan has been sourced from various textbooks and online research including the National Bureau of Statistics China. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Concept of Race in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn...

Within his criticism of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Gregory Fowler uses examples from both the book and Mark Twain’s own life to discuss the different ways in which racism has morphed. Instead of analyzing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn critically and solely, Gregory Fowler critically analyzes parts of the book and its effect to prove the different ways in which slaver morphs through the uses of allusions, exemplifications, and anecdotes. Fowler’s opening paragraph consists of an exemplification that immediately supports his opening sentence. He uses Mark Twain’s experience in Versailles, told in The Innocents Abroad, to prove how people tend to focus on what is the â€Å"good past,† while the past that shamed the people†¦show more content†¦Such is shown as he discusses Pap and his anger towards African-Americans, and the hype that allow them the right to vote. Fowler explains how people like Pap who are angry at the g overnment grows as people like him refuse to vote because they dislike a certain policy of the government’s and eventually, these people turn to violence in order to have their voices heard. One of the many ways that racism had morphed had been anger and violence, and that had been clearly evident in this instance from Huckleberry Finn. A second instance in which he utilizes the book is when he refers to a passage in Huckleberry Finn that takes place in the beginning of chapter 19, â€Å"What you want, above all things, on a raft, is for everyone to be satisfied, and feel right and kind towards others.† (Fowler 3) Fowler uses symbolism to relate the raft to the boat and the â€Å"race card in America† to the overturning of said raft. In this way, he provides readers with a mental image of an America capsized by race. As his essay concludes, Gregory Fowler puts Mark Twain’s own transformation regarding slavery into the ending paragraph. Fowler notes that â€Å"like Huck Finn and his creator, Samuel Clemens,† there is still change that could be made within a person’s heart. This anecdote provides another way in which racism had changed people. Instead of continually going along with the degradation of African-Americans, ClemensShow MoreRelatedRacism of Yesterday and Today Essay1655 Words   |  7 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain in the middle of the nineteenth century. Much of the inspiration for the book came from Mark Twain’s own encounters. Twain’s experiences as a steamboat pilot from 1835 to 1845 provided a great deal of the historical context for his work. The novel revolves around a southern boy, Huck, and a slave named Jim who both reject society by running away in hopes of finding freedom. 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Wholefoods Market, Do They Practice What They Preach Free Essays

string(31) " and the need for improvement\." Whole Foods Market, Do they practice what they preach? Festus Acha, Jaesang Kim, Wanda Moss, Linda Pressley, Alioune Thiam The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Management Organizational Behavior Professor Rick Milter March 22, 2010 Whole Foods Market, Do they practice what they preach? Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show a correlation between what is perceived about Whole Foods Market and what is factual about them. We intend to explore and investigate the following key points such as their mission statement, vision, their strategy for success, and empowerment techniques. We will look at how they motivate, compete with others, and the type of inspiration used as a whole to promote cohesiveness throughout their business. We will write a custom essay sample on Wholefoods Market, Do They Practice What They Preach? or any similar topic only for you Order Now We want to feel out their communication techniques as well as the emotional intelligence of their employees. It will be an experience to observe their team leadership in action rather than by hearsay. Coaching and mentoring has to be an important function for such a global organization as well as the steps taken for decision making and problem solving. We have come to realize that change is inevitable in any business and we want to know what their plans for change are and how it will be dealt with. Lastly we take our information collectively and see just how Whole Foods holds up through our audit of their leadership. Our leadership audit of Whole Foods Market, Inc. (WFMI) was based on the following criteria: Mission Vision Statement (Core Values) Strategy for Success Empowering Employees Motivation Inspiration Competing without fear Communication Emotional Intelligence Team Leadership Effectiveness Coaching Mentoring Problem solving decision making Organizational Change Overall Management We graded them on a sliding scale of Excellence to Needs Improvement and based on the financial data and management of their competitors such as Kroger’s, Safeway, and Trader Joe’s their score was given based on overall performance in those areas. Their biggest competitor being Trader Joe’s being a privately held company it was difficult to obtain financial information to do an effective comparison. Whole Foods Market has a running history of being a family oriented company. It is also reported that upper management uses a hands off practice of allowing its employees complete autonomy in decision making regarding the operation of their stores. Based on primary information obtained through observations and interviews at multiple Whole Foods Markets throughout the Maryland area we are able to shed some validity to some of the theories currently circulating. We also have information that may show or allude to controversial information as well. During these interviews we talked with employees and the managers on duty. What we learned is what people say and what you see may not always be the same. Our secondary information was obtained through reports found through second party interviews, up to date journals and magazines such as Harvard Business Review. Vision Mission (Core Values) Whole Foods Market came into existence on September 12, 1980. Workers for Whole Foods Market experience this organization as a positive paternalistic organization. It is characterized by very high trust levels, complete autonomy and accompanied by very little uncertainty. Their vision statement speaks of their objectives and goals reaching beyond a food retailer. It highlights its customer satisfaction, healthy employee environment, profits, investments and stockholders always ending on a positive note. Their mission is to lead by example. Some of their core values are things such as: Ensuring they are selling the best quality all natural and or organic products available for resale. Making sure their customers are always satisfied Support team members Invest in the community and the environment Great relationships with our suppliers and business partners Whole Foods truly believes in creating wealth through profits and growth for the company and its employees. However, on March 17, 2010 one of our team members Wanda Moss visited the Whole Foods Market located at 1001 Fleet Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. Her visit revealed that workers were friendly, outgoing, and very accommodating as she sought out a particular herbal seasoning to use in a seafood casserole. Her curiosity and interest in their herbs and spices made G. Singh, an employee more relaxed as she divulged her interest in their company for a school project. Ms. Singh has been working for the company for a little over four years she revealed. When questioned about the mission of Whole Foods as it pertained to her store and she replied that they are very good to her and they act as family towards one another. The employee was asked one other question in regards to the company’s position on unionized labor and she replied no one that she knows in her store wants to be in a union and that they like things just fine. Wanda Moss said she felt a defensive spirit as â€Å"G† responded. Nonetheless Ms. Moss continued to check out with her items and thanked the young lady for her time. Whole Food Markets employees are very knowledgeable about the store and its practices almost as if one has to rehearse. We have surmised either these employees are well prepared for inquisitions or the vision or mission statement of Whole Foods is genuine being practiced. We rated them good in their ability to mirror their vision and mission statement. Strategy for Success Which leads us to what is their marketing strategy to remain successful and move forward? Information obtained from their website suggests that they rigorously will be vigilante assessing their current situations in all aspects of the business in which they operate and examine as to how they can stay the front runner. Part of that plan is to expand geographically in the future and give consideration to altering their product mix to attract more main stream customers. Since they are not really clear on their plan of execution for expansion and innovation in altering their current mix, we rated them average and the need for improvement. You read "Wholefoods Market, Do They Practice What They Preach?" in category "Food" Empowerment Their strategy will lead us to how they intend or are currently empowering their employees and low level managers to remain on the frontline for the business. What was learned is that their empowerment techniques equate to trust all day long. For instance the employees believe that with management placing an immeasurable amount of faith in them, a high value is placed upon them. That same value is transferred to the customers and other stakeholders that help them to remain profitable and a front runner in their field. Their CEO John Mackey is walking the talk by nurturing from the inside out to enhance the quality of benefits distributed in all of their stores. The empowerment of their employees and or team leaders is unique and inspiring so we rated them excellent in this category. Inspiration Whole Food Market was created by local business people who had the conviction that the natural food industry was ready for bigger stores. They decided to opt for the supermarket format that was hosted by only â€Å"half a dozen† stores providing natural food in the United States. In terms of nutrition, Whole Food Market claims to always look for the â€Å"highest quality, least processed, most flavorful and natural food possible†. They believe that their products are the purest within the US and that everything that you can pick up at the store will be healthy. The company also buys from local growers in order to support them and reduce their â€Å"carbon footprint†. That way, Whole Food Market is then really â€Å"committed to helping take care of the world around [them]† and the â€Å"support of organic farming and sustainable agriculture helps protect our planet†. The company also supports food banks and all sorts of micro lending operations in order to leave something positive to the community. Whole Food Market also believes that its employees make the company. They select them carefully, making sure that their values and the Whole Food market’s values are in sync. The company is trying to create a workplace where employees are pushed to improve and feel respected as well. Motivation Several factors have to be taken into account when assessing the origin of employees’ motivation. One important factor that motivates employees is that Whole Food Market support â€Å"advancement from within†. In other words, they promote their current employees to apply for the higher responsibilities positions. According to Whole Food Market, once an employee has gained valuable knowledge, he may qualify to apply for any available opportunity in the Whole Food stores and facilities. Whole food makes a point to post all the openings for positions â€Å"at team leader level or higher† only in their internal job site. It prevents outsider to access high level responsibilities positions as well as it promotes current employee to expand their product knowledge, develop their skills, enhance their value to the team, and advance inside the company. Another important factor that keeps the employees motivated is the benefit packages provided to them. Fortune Magazine recognized Whole Food Market to be one of the â€Å"100 best companies to work for during the last 13 years†. In 2009, Whole Food Market was part of the only 15 companies that would provide 100% coverage on their employees’ health insurance premiums. Their benefit packages include â€Å"health insurance, paid time off, retirement savings and generous store discounts. The company also claims to be unique in the way it allocates benefit packages. Indeed, since every team member is important to the companies, they all get a voice when it comes to the content of their benefit packages. Team members will vote every three years to determine the content of the benefit packages offered by the company. This system results in different benefit packages according to the country or region employees are working in. The Paid- Time –Off policy, for example, is different depending on where the employee is working. For US employees, the paid time off depends on whether the employee is working full-time or part-time. In Canada paid-time-off depends on the time spent within the company in years, and In the UK, every single employee gets 7 days and the possibility to add an extra day. The last factor (but not least) that we discovered to be pushing employees is the learning experience and the experience itself. Alioune Thiam, one of our team members interviewed a couple of employees at different positions. When they were asked the question † what motivates you† one of them spontaneously answered that the learning experience was her principal source of motivation when the other stated that he just love the company and what the company does for the environment. Competition Based on the multiple interviews held with the store managers, Whole Food Market does not consider other giants of the food industry as threatening competitors. They acknowledge that other stores also carry organic food but they are convinced that the high quality standard set is not rivaled. Employees also mentioned shopping at Whole Food Market as an experience where the customer and the team members are educated. They emphasized a lot about the learning experience that makes them unique and out of reach for other grocery stores. However, according to Hoovers, a business analysis company, Whole Food Market still has dangerous competitors. A business analysis of the Whole Food market shows us that The Kroger is the most important competitors to Whole Food Market closely followed by Safeway and Trader Jo’s. Even though these stores do not provide only natural, organic, healthy food, they do offer a wide variety of food ranging from organic/natural to less healthy and more commonly found nutrition. Communication Communication is essential in any organization and it would appear that Whole Foods has communication as one of its top priorities. There is great communication among team members as well as the different teams in each store. I visited the Whole Foods store in Mt. Washington and spoke with Joe Young, Associate Customer Service Team Leader regarding how communication. Mr. Young stated that the employees feel that the communication is very transparent, from team leadership to team members. Any communication from the corporate office in Texas is given to the regional offices. Information is then given to the stores and is disseminated to the team leaders who, in turn, give it to the team members. I asked about feedback from customers. Mr. Young stated that feedback from customers is encouraged. Whenever feedback is received from a customer, it is given to the team leader for whichever section it concerns. The question along with the answer is posted on a bulletin board for customers to see. This feedback response is usually given within a week. However, some of the research that I have found indicates that team members are not allowed to say anything about working at Whole Foods on social websites, such as Facebook. According to some blogs, John Mackey uses pseudo names to become â€Å"friends† with some of his employees on Facebook to keep a tab on what is being said about the company. These employees face repercussions from posting on the website. Communication Grade – Good. There seems to be good multi-directional with team leaders and customers. However, employees should be able to express themselves constructively through social websites and not feel they will be penalized. Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is defined as an ability to recognize the meanings of emotion and their relationships and to reason and problem-solve on the basis of them. The employees I interview seemed to really enjoy working for Whole Foods. According to Fortune 500 Magazine, Whole Foods is listed as one of the best places to work and has been for the past 10 years. When I visited the Mt. Washington store, the atmosphere had a relaxed feel. People seemed to enjoy shopping there and the employees were attuned to the customer needs. While I was speaking with Mr. Young, he greeted several customers by name. Mr. Young pointed out the core values of Whole Foods which are listed on huge individual placards in the store. The quality standards were also listed individually on placards. As I stood in line to purchase my items, the cashiers had a great attitude. They also knew customers by name, commented on their purchases – one cashier spoke about the dinner and dessert from purchases of a customer. I also interview a long-time customer of the store. She stated she could not find anything to say negatively. She recently moved for New Orleans and shopped at those stores as well as the store at Mt. Washington, Maryland. She felt the employees enjoyed working at Whole Foods and would stop whatever they were doing to help customers, even if it meant walking over the whole store to help them find products. She felt that the service and atmosphere of Whole Foods makes customers feel good about what they are buying there. In her opinion, the team members take pride in the products that they sell. Emotional Intelligence Grade – Excellent Team Leadership Effectiveness In the textbook The Future of Management, author Gary Hamel describe the type of management of Whole Foods. Each store is considered a team and inside the each store, there are departmental teams. According to my research, this concept seems to work. Leadership decisions are made from the bottom up instead of from the top down, which is the industry norm. Each departmental team has team leaders. It is very intriguing the way team leadership is chosen. The leader of each team is interviewed by a panel. The panel includes Regional Vice Presidents, various Team Leaders either from the same store or another store in the region, as well as a cross of team members. Mr. Young also said there is no â€Å"seniority† when choosing a leader. Leaders are chosen by the panel if they exhibit the ability to lead a team and not by how many years they have been with the company. Mr. Young also stated that when decisions affecting their team members need to be made, all team members are allowed to vote on the changes. For example, when it comes time to choose health care, the team members all vote for their health benefits. Team Leadership Grade – Excellent Coaching Mentoring Decision Making The Whole Foods culture is built on decentralized teamwork. Decisions in Whole Foods are not made by upper management but each store has been empowered to make its decisions independent of the other. Critical decisions, such as whom to hire is made by those who will be directly impacted by the consequences of such decisions. Decision making in Whole Foods is made by teams. Each department and its team are responsible for all key operating decisions, including pricing, ordering, staffing, and in-store promotion. With regards to product selection, team leaders are given the authority to stock products they feel appeal to customers. Stores are encouraged to buy locally as long as the items meet the stringent standards of Whole Foods. With this empowerment given to teams comes accountability, which ensures that associates use their discretionary decision-making power in ways that drive the business forward. Part of Whole Foods’ strategy is to put decision right down to the front lines and hence teams make many important decisions. Problem Solving Teams maintain a culture in which open dialogue and debate is the norm. This is reinforced by openly addressing behavior that involves excessive criticism or cynicism. Not tolerating such behavior sends a strong signal to the team and sets behavior patterns. Team processes have a profound influence on team effectiveness. Effective processes ensure rigorous and optimal decision-making; generate buy-in from team members, balance the influence each member exerts on the group and minimize interpersonal conflicts while encourage constructive debate. Information and ideas of each team member is properly incorporated into the decision making process. Whole Foods has multiple processes built into its teams to achieve optimal team functioning. The tight linkage between business intelligence and decision-making authority at Whole Foods ensures that little problems do not have to compound into big problems before action is taken. Organizational Change Whole Foods Market started with a small single store. In 1978, twenty-five year old college dropout John Mackey and twenty-one year old Rene Lawson Hardy opened a small natural foods store, Safer Way, in Austin, in Texas. Two years later, John and Rene merged Safer Way with Clarksville Natural Grocery and then they opened the original Whole Foods market in 1800. Even though Whole foods Market focused on natural foods, it tried to change structure and management to improve its performance. In 1986, it was first time to purchase an existing store, when Whole foods bought the Bluebonnet Natural Foods Grocery in Dallas and converted it into a Whole Foods Market. After that, Whole Foods not only open new stores but also purchased their competitors in new regions. Through the expansion program, Whole Food Market reached out to potential customers. Whole Foods Markets launched a private label called Whole Foods. Whole Foods Market tried to find smaller manufacturers who produced quality organic products. The private label encouraged customers to return to Whole Foods Market. Its own Whole Foods brand became the first retailer to maintain a private label line featuring organic food products. In 1996, in order to resemble other Whole foods store, Whole Food Market started to transform the Mrs. Gooch’s stores and made them adopt the Whole Foods Market name. The change in name caused a 5 to 10 percent sales drop. After that, Whole Foods was more careful about changing the names of acquired stores. To improve productivity, Whole Foods established a centralized purchasing system. By the end of 1997, the system facilitated the company to track product movement and prices. In addition, Whole Foods made a low priced private label, 365. The 365 products were different from the Whole Foods products. The 365 products did not provide organic products, but they were priced about 20 percent cheaper. The 365 products attracted more customers who typically bought groceries. Moreover, Whole Foods Market has expanded into global market. In 2002, Whole Foods Market expanded into Canada and two year later it entered the United Kingdom. In 2010, Whole Foods employs 53,300people in more than 290 stores in the U. S. , Canada, and the UK. The tenth-largest food and drug store in the U. S. , Whole Foods ranks 324th on the Fortune 500 list, with annual sales of approximately $8 billion. Whole Foods Market has high standards and provides organic and quality foods. In 2003, Whole Foods Market was designated America’s first National Certified Organic Grocer. Three years earlier, Whole Foods was the first national food retailer to join the USDA advisory board to help increase the U. S. Organic Standards. In 2008, Whole Foods established stricter guidelines to reduce environmental impact and to require vendors to pass a third-party audit. Over the past decade, Whole Foods Market is increasing its reputation with organic, fair-trade, or locally produced food. Even though Whole Foods Market is a huge food store, it is going to change and to pursue what people need. Over the next decade, Whole Foods will offer more resources to emphasize healthful eating. If Whole Foods Market stops changing, it cannot survive in the food industry. Overall Management Whole Foods Market believes that customer experiences anticipate and predict its business outcomes. Whole Foods Market also knows employee performance has influence on customer experiences. Therefore, Whole Foods Market tries to satisfy its employees by offering adequate compensation program, safe and friendly work environment. These facts are able to motivate and guide employees to increase productivity and effectiveness. Whole Foods Market also makes employees feel like a part of the company. So every employee takes an important role to achieve its goals and their performances affect directly to the company’s outputs. Especially, Whole Foods Market is a workplace to respect for all individual team members and self-empowerment. At Whole Foods Market, there are five values to affect the employees’ performance outcomes. First, Whole Foods Market believes one of the most important jobs is talking to team members. Whole Foods Market knows what its team leaders say and do affect their team members. If team members cannot trust the leader, they also do not trust the mission of the company. Each leader represents their teams. Whole Foods Market knows communication is very important. So each leader attempts to share the mission and core values of Whole Foods Market. Also, Whole Foods Market emphasizes a self-directed team structure. It organizes Whole Foods store and company into a variety of teams. In small team organizational structure, every member is vital and important. The contributions of every member make the success of the team. Whole Foods think self-directed teams are the key work unit of the company. So Whole Food pays more attention to each team. To discuss issues, solve problems and appreciate each others’ contributions, each team meets regularly. Whole Foods Market insists empowerment enhances the effectiveness of teams. When each team is fully empowered to do their work and to fulfill the organization’s mission and values, empowered organizations have great advantage. Empowerment improves creativity and innovation. Whole Foods support individual team members. Next, Whole Foods Market attempts to optimize transparency to all team members because an important element of trust is transparency. Whole Foods Market allows every team member to access information that affects their jobs and annual individual compensation report. When a company decides to hide some information, the motivation is a lack of trust. Whole Foods is afraid that the information that would cause more harm than good if it was known. However, Whole Foods is willing to take the risk. Without transparency, Whole Foods cannot reach out to high level of organizational trust. Finally, Whole Foods is not able to create high trust organizations without love and care. We are more likely to look for love and friendship with our families and friends, but not from our work. If the leadership expresses love and care in their actions, then love and care will flourish in the organization. For example, everyone participates in the meeting and gives the opportunity to voluntarily appreciate other members in the group for services. Appreciating team members helps encourage every team member. They want to get involved in their teams and trust each member. As a result, in 2010, Whole Foods ranked 18th on Fortune’s list of the â€Å"100 Best Companies to Work For. Appendix Table of opportunities: Table of opportunities: Competitors list: Leadership Audit References Diamond, D. (2009, October 1). Perception Vs. Reality. Progressive Grocer, 88(7), 34. Hamstra, M. (2010, January 1). Mackey No Longer Chairman? Supermarket News, 58(1), 1-7. Hoovers Company Records, 10952. Dow Jones Financial Data on Whole Foods Market. Retrieved March 25, 2010, from http:/ /finance. yahoo. com/q? s=WFMI. Linda Pressley. Whole Foods Market. Mr. Joe Young, Associate Customer Service Team Leader, Whole Foods Store, Mt. Washington, Maryland. Interviewed on March 23, 2010 Ms. Fay Day, Whole Foods Customer. Interview March 24, 2010. Paskin, J. (2009, February 1). Growth slows, but mackey doesn’t [Keeping employees motivated]. 18, 2, 24-26. Pressley, L. Whole Foods Market Interview. Retrieved from www. discoveryhealth. com. Whole Foods Market. Retrieved from www. wholefoodsmarket. com. http://www. hoovers. com/company/Whole_Foods_Market_Inc/ http://www. hoovers. com/about/100000489-1. html www. marketwatch. com/ http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Whole_Foods_Market_%28WFMI%29 How to cite Wholefoods Market, Do They Practice What They Preach?, Essays

Workplace Learning for Etchant Tech Company - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theWorkplace Learning for Etchant Tech Company. Answer: The vision board above will be used in workplace learning, as it will effectively display my desired future career and what am wishing to achieve in future. The vision board displays images of Etchant Tech Company, which is a family business that provides ICT solutions to the public around the country. The company is goal oriented and has grown well due to its capabilities in functioning. The management tries to unite all the workers in the functional departments thus ensuring the overall goals are achievement accordingly in time. My senses appeal that to be successful in future one should work hard towards achieving his/her dreams out of hard work (Montijano et al. 2014). Themes acquired from the activity After completing the activity, themes that came out of it are all associated with success. The first theme is networking theme, which is a vital aspect in ensuring ones business is functioning as expected. The theme tries to explain how individuals should spend most of their time in networking strategy. In networking, there should be set time used to build trustworthy relationships, paying attention to others, getting to know individuals and contribution of assistance, entirely without the schedule. If one of these affairs recommends me in the prospect or becomes a fantastic client. Strongly it should be believed that networking theme has three main reimbursements that makes the business successful: Growing contact database contacts are indispensable for expanding the business network of probable customers and referrers. Relationships building trusted relations take time to construct and are critical to business advance. Being reminisced for the right motives being obliging and a sharer of info will reap plunders in the impending. The other theme in consideration from the finished activity above is the marking mark theme. With these zones in mind, making a mark entails that we consider what worth each of these different parties need, and how we can style the most meaningful involvement and impact to deliver that value (Begen, Kolberg Merabti 2016, p 56). There are questions an individual should ask himself/herself when trying to make a mark in a successful business or organization. Customers. Do clients value quality in merchandises or services? Are they attentive on low-cost elucidations or responsiveness? Which of these conditions is most vital? Employees. Do employees be in a position of craving growth or possibly personal courtesy? Do they want to feel identical more than just a number? What chances to grow might they feel are most appreciated? The Partners in business. Do suppliers or out workers desire a prospect to innovate and cooperate? Are they looking for to provide the lowermost cost solution in reappearance for a long-term business affiliation? Therefore, if one certainly want to make his/her mark as a spearhead, he/she should focus on leadership civic that is comprised of the clients, employees and business associates, and then deliberate what they value and how they can best deliver that value. If this is done consistently, the one will make a notable mark that will aid to build a stronger communal to support in goals achievements (Gilson et al. 2015). Goals learnt from the activity The vital goals I see myself achieving in future are as follows; Increasing the recital metrics: Certain businesses and businesses use presentation metrics when gauging an employees enactment, efficiency, and efficiency stages. Metric statistics quota things such as consumer fulfillment, recital of organization and employee aptitude. According to (Wetherly 2014, p 89) metrics are usually restrained on weekly foundation, but they can be restrained daily. One of decent career goal for myself could be to upsurge my performance metrics that will aid show the charge that, convey as an operative to the corporation. The second goal I should ensure I achieve in future is earning a preferment: It is continuously a virtuous feeling too, and an elevation contains the in planning, commitment, and implementation on one's part as a worker. The will normally be an elongated tenure goalmouth that one can toil concerning ultimately. The third goal is ensuring make a management spot: After functioning in the business or business for a time, I might take a wish to progress in my working locus. When one vocation goal is to gross an administration or a managerial position, the area could vary from permanent six months to five to ten years contingent on the arena of operation. This occupation type goal can necessitate a sequence of short-term goalmouths to benefit one in reaching the desired position. Out of the activity, another goal I wish to achieve is starting a business: a high number of individuals associate victory with bifurcating out on his or her identifiable, and a feasible goal of business, in that instance, can be to jerk a corporate or open own preparation to develop his/her supervisor. When one opens his/her own commerce, it can be obliging to sketch a sequence of instant objectives, which can support in getting to the desired place in a particular time (Brdar, Vella-Brodrick, Nakamura Solano 2014, p 786). Conclusion of the activity I got surprised after finishing the activity in sense that I realized the activity helpful to young individuals who believe in success later in future. The activity was an enjoyable reason that was able to get clarification about my dreams in future. It helped in the attainment of positive visualizations that rewired my brains in ensuring formulation of positive considerations. Incentives realization was also another aspect got from the entire activity reason that it will be reminding me my goals on daily foundations (Schilling et al. 2014 p 32). Visual reminder will also enhance motivations in facing the challenges likely to be faced when in the line of operation. The vision board caused me in thinking how I will like my future to be. After thinking, I realized that to be successful in any business networking aspects should be enhanced to ensure effective communication through the departments of the organization. References Begen, A. C., Kolberg, M., Merabti, M. (2016). Consumer communications and networking [Series Editorial]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(6), 87-87. Brdar, I., Vella-Brodrick, D., Nakamura, J., Solano, A. C. (2014, January). A cross-country study of personal goals and meanings. In 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Gilson, L. L., Maynard, M. T., Jones Young, N. C., Vartiainen, M., Hakonen, M. (2015). Virtual teams research: 10 years, 10 themes, and 10 opportunities. Journal of Management, 41 (5), 1313-1337. Haley, K. (2016). Goal-setting: Vision boards and action boards. YA Hotline, (102). Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Miller, R. (2013). The Problems With Setting Goals, Why Most Fail. Montijano, E., Zhou, D., Cristofalo, E., Schwager, M., Sagues, C. (2014). Vision-based distributed formation control without a global reference frame. International Journal of Robotics Research. Wetherly, P., Otter, D. (Eds.). (2014). the business environment: themes and issues in a globalizing world. Oxford University Press.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Roman Gladiators The Awful Truth free essay sample

An essay that looks at the background and history of gladiatorial combat in ancient Rome. This essay examines the brutal sport of gladiator fighting in ancient Rome. The essay contains a history of the games, an overview of a typical days activities, and a look at theories for why the Romans permitted such blood sport in their society for many centuries. The Romans were, in some ways, the most civilized people of the ancient world. Their well-developed cities, with the many shops, service, and design amenities, were models for the rest of the world. However, that advancement and enlightened way of life cannot hide a dark reality which we find unacceptable in our modern world: an almost total disregard for the value of human life and human rights. The most visible aspect of that disdain for humanity was the massive importation and exploitation of slaves by the Romans. We also have a great difficulty understanding their love of the games: the Roman spectacle of gladiatorial combat to the death. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Gladiators: The Awful Truth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page